Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lazzzy Sunday

I LOVE lazy Sundays...a luxury that is getting few and far in between. I do love waking up early and going to church (well, maybe not the getting up early part), lunch at whoever sister is hosting that day, long afternoon desserts and then malling. But there is also the charm of a no-plan Sunday. When upon waking up, I ensconced myself in my comforter, letting myself stay a bit longer in bed and only getting up when hunger pangs start. Now food, is all another dimension for a lazy Sunday. I would either have a long breakfast that would take as long to prepare; or a simple eat-whatever-I-see -- like right now, munching on un-humanely sweet pretzel sticks for breakfast.
Javi doing Superman thing
This month of February has been full of new things to love and things to celebrate about: Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, the opening of Cantinetta Rockwell, the movie Music and Lyrics, and of course the birth of my first niece, Bella--now i have two pamangkins! Hurrah!
I've decided late last night that my journal would not be entirely about everyday happenings, but more on the new stuff that opened and happened. Not everything necessarily about food (although I bet mostly): it could be a thought, a newly opened shop, new friends.
And now, I must fix myself a nicely brewed coffee and find something to do on this lazy Sunday.

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