I was contemplating whether I should just go for it or not. That is, to follow the recipes to the T. or simply follow my own justified method. It involved retarding the dough, incorporating loads of butter and using the food processor. Those familiar with Rose Beranbaum's
The Cake Bible probably knows which recipe I'm referring to. I've salivated over her pictures of cinnamon rolls a la brioche for so long that I decided to forgo with my intuition and follow her recipe to the dot. It's the first time I use my food processor to make dough. I'm just concerned it might overheat my delicate processor who has only handled cookies and short pastries.

I like how they look, all together like that. It seemed the making of a promising treat, with the fresh eggs, sugar and flour canoodling like that. I used the pulse button all throughout, stopping once in a while to scrape and gather the dough together. It seemed perfect at first, but this hot iron-y smell began to emit from the machine. Too late I realized that the dough had somehow leaked into the middle hole, causing that awful burn smell. I quickly gathered the dough out, kneaded them in my marble table to lower its dough temp and used the broken up butter as "ice" to help it cool down.

I left it like that for a while, turning to make the temperature even, consequently softening the butter too. The dough wasn't damaged, fortunately. It still came out springy and elastic. I let it rise once and refrigerated it for tomorrow.

I used pecans and brown sugar for the sticky bun topping, delightful sweet crunchy combination. The bread was still lovely, fortunately, a bit oily for my taste, but undeniably rich. But I'm sticking to my mixer from now on.
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