One of life's most pleasurable gift is the gift of giving. I love receiving, yes I do. But there's a whole different feeling whenever I give. A gesture of thought, a labor of love, a smile...giving and sharing have various faces and phases. Teaching is an act of giving that not only imparts knowledge, but requires giving a bit of yourself too--patience and commitment.
I recently hosted a baking class with a small intimate group of people ready to learn and of course eat! We wasted no time getting down to business, making caramel, ganache, creme patisserie, cakes, cookies and bars. There were tons of work to do, but there were loads more of laughter and smiles. And the first one we finished was a stupendous Vanilla cake that took not a mere second to assemble!

Too bad, I wasn't able to take any pictures of the cookies. There were so many of them and not even one picture. We had chocolate chip walnut cookies (the benchmark variant), chewy and crispy oatmeal cookies and my personal favorite, the cinnamon sugar cookies. They were the last one put in the oven, subjecting us to buttery scents that had been the perfect ending to one glorious fun filled day.
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