But, since it was from C (and simply just because it's there), I happily tried it. That was, again, a year and a half ago, but from then on, I've never loved a cheesecake more.
Fast forward to the present. I have successfully cajoled C into making me this chocolate cheesecake again. C made it part of a romantic getaway he planned for us. And during this time, I already knew that he didn't do the cheesecake all by himself, in fact, I have his sister S to thank for. C was only there to give a helping hand (or, more likely, just to check if it's already done).
Nevertheless, I love it just as much as I loved it before. It was even better than I remembered it to be. It was neither heavy nor airy, but is sure is a mouthful. One forkful melted into a velvety mass accompanied by a burst of real deep chocolate. The sweetness from the chocolate was evenly tempered by the sourcream. The crust was thick enough and even crunchy like, it tasted like it had roasted nuts in it, but it didn't. It left me in a subliminal state.
Even my brother, who's not really a dessert person, couldn't resist a second helping. He aptly described it as "A cross between a chocolate bar and chocolate ice cream.".
And I couldn't agree more.
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